Discover The 3 Step Formula to Permanently Cure Your Anxiety Around The Women You Want to Meet & Get Them Attracted Instead


And the 12 Anxiety 'Solutions' that I predict are actually

only creating MORE anxiety in your life


Do you still get nervous around beautiful women?  Does your body temperature rise, heart flutter and you can't think of what you would say if you even did approach her?


Then it's safe to say that you have approach anxiety


It's a very real issue that is affecting your ability to attract and date beautiful, higher quality women in reality.


Unfortunately, it seems most AA advice out there is coming from people who haven't cured it themselves or it just plain doesn't work.  That kind of advice can actually work against you for years even creating more anxiety and pushing women further away from you in reality.


If you don't know what is creating the anxiety (and worse, believe that they're a SOLUTION) to your anxiety, the prospects aren't looking good because no matter WHAT YOU DO or 'SAY' around women, it almost NEVER works, women remain a fantasy and you only get more anxiety.


Towards the bottom you will find the #1 Cause of your anxiety with women.  I'm Rion Williams and a few years ago, I CURED my anxiety with women and approaching - ALL anxiety.  I have no fear of women and it's because of what I'm going to share with you.


Instead of anxiety, I get ATTRACTION.  I am so solid in my presence and power that I pass the tests of (all) women..the longer they are around me the more they open up (even ice queens) but often they will do crazy things right when I'm just there.  They will give ME attraction when I'm just 'there' when other men WORK for it and can't get anywhere.


I won't say explicit things that happen but it starts with ATTRACTION which is what you get when you have 0's where everything BEGINS.  When you approach, a woman knows you are real INSTANTLY and that's when things begin.


If you have anxiety your energy and body is communicating that she is a fantasy and a real relationship, well that doesn't ever start.  That's why it's easier for you to succeed with women you don't have anxiety around like uglier women. 


Handling your anxiety and REMOVING it leaves you with confident masculinity that turns women on.  So no matter how much work you do, you've got the emergency brakes on with anxiety.


So, if you've been there (and I used to be), it looks like you've got approach anxiety.  At least we know what the symptoms are..which is an effect of a cause which I will pinpoint later in this page.


Approach anxiety - it seems it's always there when you least want it.  A beautiful woman can walk in the same room and all of a sudden you can't control yourself.  You get anxious, self conscious and lose your center


Her beauty, value, sexiness and power has an INSTANT affect on you


Can you approach women like this without any fear and

know exactly what to say and do?  Can you control your energy

even around the PICTURES of them (let alone in real life)?


hottie strip girl2

If you're having butterflies right now to these women and feel like you aren't worthy, stopping EVERYTHING right now and reading this page may be the most important thing you could ever do for the future of your love life, libido and your masculine confidence.


What would it be like to be the 'man' that just 'IS' the powerful equal and match to women like these on a sexual level?  Hard to believe?  Keep reading.


So when you meet women like that, you're literally left speechless, right?  You can be normal around the guys and then the anxiety just takes over you when these 'hot' type of women are around.


She HAS VALUE, she knows it, you know it, EVERYONE knows it around.  Her beauty is VERY real and her body IS hot.  She is WANTED.  You know it's true and of course you'd want to be with her.


You can't lie about that but you also can't control yourself.  Your body WANTS what she has but you just can't CONNECT with her in a way that actually gets anywhere for the both of you.  You're too damn nervous and it's hard to believe you're 'worthy' when you try and approach or even if you don't!


You get those butterflies in your stomach, you start breathing shallower, your pulse races and your knees become weaker. 


You start questioning yourself and how you can compare to her 'sexiness' that is wanted by all men.  How COULD you compare?  What do you have to offer and how can you get her turned on to you within seconds?  hah..seems impossible.  Can you even get past the first 3 seconds without tripping on yourself?  And THEN what do you say?


What makes it worse is that these women don't do anything to HELP you know they're interested or that it's 'ok' for you to approach (at least UNTIL you're authentically confident) so it leaves you up to take all the risk, question yourself and deal with all of this anxiety and the risk of rejection. 


When it seems like they MIGHT be interested in you, you double question yourself if she's REALLY interested in you and find excuses not to approach.


And you're STILL not getting physical with any of the women you get anxious around but you're sick and tired of this.  You want to get it handled and not leave things up to chance or luck.


Over years of this social and approach anxiety building up, it just really has created all of this angst which you take out in other outlets of life (the gym, sports, video games, work, music).  And the dry spells can last a LONG time.


This uncontrollable anxiety is doing 1 thing very well. 


It's keeping your FANTASY SEX LIFE thriving isn't?  Yeah that 'self pleasing' thing.


So your visceral anxiety is scaring away REAL WOMEN (and the ones that you REALLY want) from being in your dating life and in physical relationships. 


And whether you're approaching or not (and 'fighting through the fear'), either way these hot women just continue to remain always and ELUSIVELY 'out of touch'. 


They can be so close but WORLDS APART from you and then you can always go home and fantasize about them (which pushes them further away) am I right?


Gorgeous women really DO seem 'above' you and like you're not worthy so it's often just a pipe dream but you NEVER give up the hope (or fantasy). 


Cure your anxiety and fantasy could become REALITY.  You wish.  But HOW?

Is it just to FORCE yourself to approach women, even though you're still extremely nervous?  Become more of a PUA?  Besides...




The anxiety remains.


Not inner game, not more approaching and 'fighting through the fear'.  It's still near impossible to connect with attractive women even when you ARE doing it and taking action.  They're just in a separate reality from yours and it seems impossible to ever bridge it.


The fear remains VERY real and you just can't connect with women or control your anxiety.  Even with the perfect pick-up line you find a way to screw it up or they're just not interested (then why on earth are they dressed so damn sexy?!).


If it's any consolation so far, I've BEEN there through all of this so that's how I know...the anxiety was very real for YEARS.  But before I reveal some advice that actually works after years of crystalizing what actually is the miracle 3 step formula;  


Maybe you've tried some of these 'solutions'

to cure your approach anxiety with attractive women

that are SUPPOSED to work:



#1: "Just push through your fear and approach anyways"


It seems like the only 'real' answer dating experts or PUA's can give.  You hate the thought of this because it creates MORE anxiety.  Expect to approach thousands of women experiencing mostly rejection, making a FOOL of yourself and punishing yourself through the psychological turmoil. 


If it took mPUA's 'years' of being in the 'trenches' (and if they're saying 'this is the only way') how is it going to shortcut you if they're teaching you the only solution is really to 'get out there' yourself and fight through the same fear and anxiety they couldn't cure when you're running into walls all the time?! 


Even so, it means YOU are going to have to approach 1,000's of women with that advice to cure your anxiety.  Do you even have time for that?  Attraction shouldn't be a war or a game.  And you at least expect RESULTS when you're out of your comfort zone but history has proven otherwise.  Why is it so damn difficult anyways?


I had 1 client in Europe who had approached 4,000 women and got like 2 numbers and 1 kiss and I did more than the same thing in front of him in Berlin within a few hours of being out.  The CURE is not doing more of what doesn't work. 


'Feeling the fear and doing it anyways' is not a cure to the core problem but merely ignorance to the problem and superficial solutions, never resolving it.


There IS NO NATURAL fear of women no matter how beautiful she is.


There's GOT to be some greater 'big secret' that even other dating experts don't know or is just hidden from you ENTIRELY right?  Yes.  But before we get to it..How about some of these other solutions?



#2: "Work on your 'Inner Game'"



Pretty POPULAR in the dating industry right?  Seems EVERYONE is teaching it.


Maybe you've found that Inner Game isn't a cure and if anything it's made a psychological LOOP of torment and unworthiness even more unbearable.  If it really was as great as it's supposed to be, then why do you stil have anxiety around the hot and beautiful women that you really want to meet?  How can you 'fix' yourself to equal her instant beauty, value and power?


Why is it difficult to connect?  Why do you still feel unworthy when she could have any man in the place just because of the way she looks?  Your inner game not only doesn't compare to her 'real sexual' and instant value, it often just seems irrelevant completely to getting her in bed. 


"Dude, you's your fault..fix yourself"


And then, believing it's YOUR FAULT for being a loser and not obtaining these smoking hot women or being at fault for her behavior or ignorance just doesn't seem right yet it must be your fault from an Inner Game perspective, so you're stuck in even more of a fantasy cycle of personal self improvement and rarely connecting with women.  Towards the bottom you're going to discover the 1 reason why this is damaging your success with women: you have an Inner Game _ _ _ of sexuality and women.



#3: "Use Affirmations"


Repeat 100 times "I can approach any woman."  And then approach an extremely gorgeous one and you still go back to square one: back into your unworthy nervous energy. 


Affirmations are a good idea but what we're talking about requires something with more serious power.  Your mind just CAN'T believe the lie when your body and results are showing everything the opposite. 


HOW can gorgeous women who can have any man want to be all over you?!  Especially when you don't have experience to back it up and this all creates more anxiety from an inner game perspective also keeping women away from you UNTIL you can find a way to believe it then MAYBE it would work.



#4: "Just be confident"


Yeah right.  Sounds like something a natural would say to you who already 'gets it'.  You just don't have control over your nervous energy, it is BEYOND you around beautiful women.


A natural may be able to show you the signs but can't give you the map so you're left trying to figure out clues on your own because most of what dating experts or PUA's say sounds difficult, unnatural, irrelevant to actual success or just creates more anxiety.  You haven't found a way yet to just 'be' confident around beautiful women in reality.


#5: "Working Out or Bodybuilding"


This seems like it would make sense...once I have 'the hot body' that women supposedly lust over, THEN I'll be able to 'get the chicks'...but what happens is that you may be even MORE frustrated having all this additional expectations and you're still not getting the chicks, so you work out even harder and the cycle continues as you put your angst back into looking even better but secretly you're still alone UNLESS you can bridge it to cure your anxiety and know how to meet women - THEN it can work to your advantage.



#6: "The 3 Second Rule"


This says to 'approach her within 3 seconds' - that way you're stopping yourself from thinking your way out of it, or building up even more anxiety.  This is actually generally good advice as a rule of thumb but the fact it's coming from a 'you can't control your energy' and you suck with almost anything you do, doesn't help PLUS it's still giving women all of this 'power'.  The fact that it isn't a REAL CURE to anxiety, is why I don't like it. 


I defy the 3 second rule often and make things work where PUA's would be stuck in their additional anxiety.  You will learn with the cure to even cold approach not at all out of fear but because you're relaxing, have 0 anxiety, control and power - it even allows more of the nonverbal tension to build. 


Some PUA's just think that it's impossible so you have to 'fight the fear' and deal with it like you're a ticking time bomb that's going to screw it up anyways so you might as well get it over with - IS NOT an effective cure to anxiety.



#7: "Just Talk To More People To Warm Up"


Just talk to people near you as you go about things more often (including those you're not trying to pick up or ever be romantic with) is generally a good rule of thumb for being more outgoing, personable or social and it works.  Human interaction is necessary in life to have real relationships and create new ones.  When you're powerful and lacking anxiety anywhere you go as you'll learn in the 3 Step Cure, it's no problem to say anything to anyone.


But talking to other people to warm up (before you 'game' women) or having it as a cure or solution to anxiety?  That's where I's a LONG path.  Because it's not dealing with the core issue itself it's going to take a LOT of approaches like this and how about when you approach a '10'?  Is it even going to matter when you still have root anxiety that you are blinded to? 


Taking MORE aspirin for a serious symptom is only a coverup, NOT A CURE.



#8: "Looking Good"


What about improving your looks?  This can make things worse because you KNOW you're looking good, even feeling good and then NOTHING HAPPENS.  You're supposed to be so worthy yet you still have anxiety because women are stuck in their own world separate from you.  You have even higher pressure and expectations which creates additional anxiety.


#9: "Showing more bling or social status"


This is what is supposed to work but sometimes women just end up using you for free bottle service and end up staying with their groups of girlfriends.  Not being able to truly and physically connect with women when you were supposed to creates more anxiety and perpetuates a fantasy world.  The nicer watch didn't do it...the luxury car when you got it didn't do it either. 


New sets of anxiety and payments.  Buying the V.I.P. table attracted some women but even IF it led to getting physical with any consistency do you want to be PAYING for women indirectly?  And how much money are you just SPENDING out?  Usually you're left with an empty pocket and even MORE anxiety because it actually didn't work to attract and get physical with women.


What about just getting some really nice clothes and high quality fashionable threads that's really YOU.  O.k. that can help FOR A MINUTE to attract women but you STILL have to get rid of your anxiety if you're going to get anywhere.  Spending money doesn't cure your attraction, it can make it worse especially if you feel like you're entitled and try to look proud in who you are but women remain in their own world.


#10: "Always have something good to say"


This goes right out the door around the women you really want.  If you just don't have control over your energy and anxiety and can't create a real connection naturally within a few seconds when you meet her, there is little chance of anything.  It comes down to your confidence.


The BEST at approaching women never use pick up lines anyways.  Their BODY language says all the right things and they NEVER have anxiety.


So even when you 'memorize' a story, sequence or sayings your anxiety continually screws it up.  Besides then you're thinking too much and in your head.  It's your physiological energy that is telling her she is ABOVE you and that you won't get physical with her in anyplace but your fantasies.


Ok, so a good funny line CAN open the door for a little window of opportunity but she's not going to give you much more room if you don't have your nervous energy handled. 


You can have SOME anxiety and still get dates more if you're good-looking, she forgives you, you have other redeeming factors and can start conversations, you have an advantage then but even at best it seems like dry spells and inconsistent with women.  But the superhot ones?  You'd better have your body language together even if you can remember a 'line'.



#11: "Work on the social dynamics'"


And what?  Become this outgoing party guy who never has anything happen with women themselves?  Or worse, the PUA version who always has to be going out fighting anxiety just to meet women because they believe sexuality is social.  WHAT IF there was an entirely different level of communication and values ENTIRELY and was the one that PUA's don't have a path to connect on no matter how much work they do?  This will be clearer at the bottom. 


Yet this is what mPUA's have done.  Made a rocket ship science out of the most basic thing: boy meets girl.  You can effectively avoid all that and all 'game' by just being equal to her in power which comes from CURING your anxiety.  Curing it at the core, not by becoming this approach machine led by nerds in the closet who still have anxiety themselves.


There's no need to impress, be nervous or win her approval when you just ARE powerful and it gives room for women to draw in to you but everything that's being done is as if the woman is the prize even when they pretend they're the prize.  That comes down to their _ _ _ of reality which you'll discover below.  Step 3 includes meeting women (in the Cure) but done in a way where you're not a game-running fool and in a way that connects with her sexually instead of feeling fear socially.



#12: "Settle for less or 'take 1 for the home team'"


You don't want to have to settle for less (where at least you know you're in a 'comfort zone') but at least it relieves some kind of anxiety but you feel worse afterwards because the anxiety remains and you secretly know you want a higher quality of beauty or woman. 


Why do you have anxiety around the women you REALLY want? 


And why can't you deserve and get them into your life (and bedroom if we're being honest).


Maybe you've found that some of the above dating industry 'solutions' or prescriptions can actually make your approach anxiety even worse!  Putting more band-aids on a deep wound isn't going to cure.  Taking MORE aspirin for a serious symptom is only a coverup.  How about preventing it in the first place?


You sure as heck don't want to become an approach-a-holic PUA type nor become someone you aren't just to get physical with women. 


It's like the above 'solutions' not only don't cure anxiety but often bring about NEW side issues you didn't have before.  It's lasted for years.


And yet ANXIETY REMAINS.  And that's the BEST advice you'll find out there. 


It's because they don't have a real cure and most of them haven't fully cured it themselves.  They're all going about it by avoiding the core issue itself.  They don't even know what the Cause is, they have no clue.


Oh, and do you believe in the 'game'?  Then you're going to have anxiety.


You have to believe in something else stronger (when you're meeting women) or you'll continue having approach anxiety and struggle getting physical with women.


So in a way it's like you feel completely LOST with women and attraction.  They remain a FANTASY. 


So it's not to stop meeting women all together but if you're getting nowhere from the above advice, my advice is to STOP DOING ALL OF THE ABOVE.  You're going to find out more of why below.


That right there will save you from getting into MORE anxiety.


Ok so what is 1 BEST single piece of


Advice I can give you RIGHT NOW


that will set you on the right DIRECT path to PERMANENTLY curing your physiological and very real anxiety around attractive women?


Well, we would have to pinpoint and deal with the exact CAUSE or CORE of the problem itself to have real change.  And when it comes to curing your anxiety with women and leading to ATTRACTION, that advice is this: 


Having the right map. 


"Huh?"  What do I mean?


Look...if you're in Chicago, have a map of Detroit but the Map cover is misprinted and says Chicago and you BELIEVE with all of your conviction that the map is of physical Chicago, it doesn't matter WHAT YOU DO, nor how strong your belief is, does it? 

You'll be continually lost, even FURTHER away from your ACTUAL destination until you get the right, ACTUAL map.



You'd be doing a LOT of work, driving all over the place thinking you're there but then it's just not it.


You can even read the map PERFECTLY but if it's the wrong map it doesn't matter.  You might get to the right physical location once in a while by happenstance or chance but everything becomes really damn confusing.


You'll see a road that might be named the same on the map, looks like it might be the same as on the map in about the right area to take a left on and then you never reach your destination.  It's a different physical location entirely.


So WHAT HAPPENS if you're following the map for a few hours believing the map is REAL and represents the truth?




I mean kicking the car tires, road rage, cussing anxiety because you're always 'so close' yet so damn FAR. 


You're IN a physical REALITY but the MAP that you believe represents where you are isn't connecting you physically with where you want to be even though you're following it. 


Nothing else matters and getting advice from people who are also lost or believe that Detroit = Chicago doesn't help either.


Without the right map you're going to be doing a lot of work COMPLETELY LOST even if you've got the fastest, 'tricked out' good-looking car, perfect driving record and a finesse with getting out of speeding tickets.  You're still LOST.  It's hard to ever arrive.


So when it comes to success with women, it's taken me 34 years to pinpoint it, but it's the same exact thing.  EFFECTIVELY.

"But who would be ridiculous enough to believe in the wrong map?"

Yet that is EXACTLY what's happened and why you're going to LOVE how to cure your approach anxiety!



You can be in the SAME PHYSICAL PLACE as a woman but if you've got a DIFFERENT MAP OF ATTRACTION or sex, you're never going to connect with her no matter what you say or do.  This is what creates anxiety


It's not YOU that's the cause of your anxiety (sure you can make it worse) but it's not you per se.  It's in having a different MAP of sexuality. 


You're holding a map that you believe in that isn't getting you physically where you want to be so you become incredibly frustrated.


What if your whole adult life your MAP and the MAP you

believed in that was about attraction & SEX was simply MISLABELED



What if it was a map to something else that actually manifests very well?  What if your belief in that map affected everything?


#1 Cause of your anxiety with women


is in having a different map of sexuality and the process of physical attraction.  You could say even having the WRONG map because it's just not getting you anywhere except inconsistently at best or by luck and that's after lots of works.


Having the wrong map of real sexuality is what is CAUSING ALL of your anxiety with women at the core.  It doesn't matter what pick-up lines, self help tricks, affirmations, bodybuilding, hair product, bootcamp you do, you still have and believe in the wrong map.  That's why nothing ever seems to work.


When you HAVE THE RIGHT MAP, it's easy (do you think mother nature would make things THIS difficult to procreate?)...there's never any reason for anxiety as far as the directions go (other than maybe some traffic or road conditions).  You may miss a turn or 2 but it's not a problem and it's just your fault for not reading the map.  All you have to do is have the right map and you GET where you're going.


With the right map your anxiety is cured.  Most of the work is in GETTING the right map and then deconditioning the beliefs you had from believing the physical map of a different location was reality.


Guess what?  NATURALS who have 0 anxiety around the same women that make you tremble have a different map.  They have the Natural Map.


And they're the ones getting with the women that YOU dream about.  Not because of their great personality, character or because they're a great catch like you, but because THEY HAVE THE MAP and you're using an ENTIRELY different map with women.  Worse is that you believe in it (or rather you've been TAUGHT to be believe in it).


The Map doesn't fail.  MAPS DON'T FAIL.  There are just different maps and using the wrong one won't work.  It doesn't matter what the personality of the driver is if he's using the proper map, he's going to get there FAR more than you.


There is a map and predictably ACCURATE path to real physical attraction, kissing, and you get the picture.  It cures anxiety because there IS no anxiety when you follow this map.  It leads to where it leads.  It's PREDICTABLE and it's the Map that creates natural, physical attraction. 


It's not rocket science, you just have to have the right directions.


If you just want the cure RIGHT NOW, click here*


*=option 2 @ very bottom)


How come I'm so attractive to women even when I'm just 'there'?  It's not because of my looks or inner game (because I had anxiety and the fantasy of women alone for YEARS), it's because I have a PHYSICAL Map of attraction and sexuality and I believe in it.  The 1 in which there is INHERENTLY no anxiety and you will see this in Step 1.


"What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad".   - Morpheus


"Rion is a dangerous man to listen to. Why? His information is so compellingly lucid on the female social structure that you'll find yourself re-evaluating your beliefs. If you want to understand the 'matrix' of how we view each other, then Rion is your 'Morpheus,' ready to show you how to break free of your self-limiting beliefs..."                                                             — Carlos Xuma




You're not going to find this map anymore by accident.  In fact it is so rare it's unlikely you'll ever find it especially if you just continue on doing what you've been doing and you'd maybe miss it forever.


Which means YEARS more of anxiety with real women.  Can you AFFORD that kind of price and trauma?


What price can you put on PHYSICAL success with women?  Being with a higher quality of woman you deserve who wants to keep coming back to you because you know the truth?


Maybe you've had enough of the fantasy and SPENT too much on the fantasy.  There's always the route of resorting to hookers or REALLY lowering your standards in quality of women but that's not you. 


You CAN have REAL and quality, beautiful women in your life when you have the 3 Step Formula to not just cure your anxiety but create physical attraction with real women. 


Meeting women is fun and easy when you have confidence in place of your anxiety.  I just don't like to 'broadcast' what I do like (other) mPUA's and I don't brag about things. 


Because I am natural, I haven't brought video cameras in to secretly 'record' (I still think it's creepy) but if you just see me in person around women you will have an idea what is possible and what it's like to have ZERO anxiety around power and beauty.  All my clients and best friends have seen this including some of the TOP dating guru's.



Is there a price you wouldn't pay if it really could lead you to confidence and ACTUAL success consistently with good-looking women let alone without GAME?  It's not about your looks, it's about your map and belief of reality.


You could try and learn from real naturals while being envious of their natural success but they can't show you the map itself so you can use it and be the driver.  How much would that cost if it even existed?  In fact before this program I've never even seen it. 


PICK UP ARTS rarely works and frustrated guys spend a lot of money on it because it believes in a different map of sexual reality entirely.  It's founded on an inaccurate map of sexuality (sex = a game)and leads you to more of that 'pushing through the pain' instead of resolving it. 


'Say this, do that' doesn't work and you have continual anxiety BECAUSE of having a mislabeled map and believing that it's the real path.  That's why it takes PUA's YEARS 'in the trenches' to get good because they're living off of the wrong map and misguided enough that after years they finally start to know their way around. 


You don't have time for let alone the anxiety it creates.  Just look at a picture of Mystery and how much stress is in his energy..he looks decades older than he is in 1 picture I saw.


Paying for a REAL solution to YOUR anxiety at a very high price is starting to sound good if you're serious about this.


Isn't it time for YOU to have the map and directions to trigger physical attraction with the real world women in front of you?  The directions to cure your anxiety and fast?


Well, it has arrived.  It's my new program called


'Cure My Approach Anxiety':

The 3 Step Formula to Cure Anxiety With Women - PERMENANTLY and for REAL.


The 3 steps themselves will be revealed in the program and they are actual, practical steps you can take daily but the thing is not only is no one else teaching it but they work.  This really cures your anxiety.  So if that's you, then get this program today.


It's 2 DVD's and over 4 hours worth of video training

(it's SO brand new that I've yet to put a product image in yet)


If you just want the cure RIGHT NOW, click here*

(*= order option 2 @ very bottom)



"There's no way it can be this simple Rion or that I

could have missed it my entire life."


Hehe.  The clear profound truth of Step 1 alone in the program will save you a lifetime of misdirection and infinite anxiety with women.  What kind of price is that actually worth to you?  To alleviate all of your anxiety alone?  And instead of spending money on superficial solutions to impress women that never works?!


You can go on that's fine but the men who take part in this, they will have the cure.  Yes there is a price to put on this level of information which has cost me fighting impossibilities, all odds and all Western thinking to discover the basic truth so profound and so clear that is shown to you in this program (as well as HOW to implement the proactive cure itself).


Again, The answer IS NOT JUST IN approaching more women. 


That can make your anxiety worse and although it seems to be real is FOOLISH advice and you end up running a big numbers game never really connecting with women.  Again, with a wrong map of reality that's just ridiculous because you're always lost on what the process of REAL sexuality is which is NOTHING like the map you've been taught to believe in.  It took me YEARS but I have found the map and it's in here.


So...'Cure My Approach Anxiety' is going to help you stop wasting years of your life living in anxiety with women.  It gives you the actual steps RIGHT NOW to start attracting women physically.


With Step 2 you will BELIEVE you deserve the hottest women on earth and you will know how to condition that belief.  With this power action step the world of women will open up to you infinitely.


Even with the closest training out there, it seems like you have to LIE to yourself with an Inner Game approach to believe that 'hot women want to get their hands all over you'.  It SOUNDS good but that doesn't seem to be your reality because you don't have the experience to back it up.


And then when women continue to NOT be all over you, what happens?  It creates even MORE anxiety and this big gap in reality.


With what you're going to learn in Step 1 alone, you will see it's not a lie anymore.  You will learn easily WHY naturals get women but can never explain it.  Now you have the roadmap to PHYSICAL ATTRACTION so that you will be empowered on the true physical level that is now a mystery to even the dating industry.


With Step 2 you're going to empower and condition your new belief system that is in your FAVOR to have women who used to be out of your league into you and not anyone else.  These aren't empty promises, the Power of Step 2 alone has already worked for men around the world and this is the only place you'll hear about it from the source.





Let's take a look at just SOME of the benefits you'll get from the training

included in the 4+ hours that you'll receive. 


If you order the 'online' version you'll get instant access to the entire program but I recommend you DON'T go through this program LATE at night if you have something to do the next day.  This program WILL change your life and you will be too excited to sleep.  Ok, try it if you want but don't say I didn't warn you!  A good problem.



How to truly become 'present' and 'in the moment' - instead of takling about this new age stuff, Step 2 achieves this and it's fun and easy

Abolish all inner game issues, butterfly responses and nervousness in communicating with any and all women no matter how beautiful or socially valuable by following the 3 Steps that are guaranteed to work...they are so effective, it can't NOT work

The only proven method that cures physiological nervous anxiety aruond women (Step 2) and creates real world physical attraction while HANDLING all of your body language so you can enjoy the beauty in front of you as a man instead of being scared of it


How to NEVER rely on pick-up lines again...throw them ALL out the door including all other PUA methods and have MORE success because you know how to apply Step 3

Attract women non-verbally through your new automatic body language - this means you have to work far LESS to trigger attraction or try and coerce it out of women like PUA's do

Step 3 helps you to gain experience FAST with women.  Of course you're going to have to meet women but it becomes NO PROBLEM at anytime because we're removing the MAJORITY of your anxiety fast and it's set up so that there is no anxiety the more you do steps 1-3


"..that brief concise little explanation is one of the more powerful things I've heard in the last year..summed up with a sharp laser point on it."

-David DeAngelo

(during his January 2008 Monthly Interview with Dating Guru's)

How to have the strongest belief system in the world when it comes to women without having to believe 'lies'...just TRY and catch up to me!  But this is the exact same system I use to get unexplainable attraction and interest from good-looking women everywhere I go


How to 'tune in' to the EXACT sexual communication level or dynamic itself that datin guru's can only guess at referencing but you actually have instant access to it.  You will be SHOWN IT in the program and you will have the tools to know HOW to use it.  Step 2 is really your greatest weapon


The exact formula and MAP for PHYSICAL success with women all the way to sex itself and how the map you've believed so far is the OPPOSITE and preventing almost EVERYTHING from happening


How to achieve physiological congruency so that you are REAL and powerfully confident and how to actually BELIEVE your affirmations so that you actually get more physical with women than be stuck in the anxiety of fantasy


You also get the #1 secret to approaching and meeting women.  Once you 'get this' it will save you YEARS of trial, error and anxiety.


1 Power Tip that will keep you from being disheartened by any kind of negative response


The #1 Secret of Natural Alpha men and their success with women.  Hint: I had to BECOME one myself to really know what it was because they can't tell you what it actually 'is' - more importantly how to use this same concept


How to practically tap into your natural, masculine core that is unreachable by ANY Inner Game approach (which is why those techniques rarely if ever work)


How to actually BELIEVE you're the sexiest man on earth..the belief is everything but from an inner game approach not only is it a lie but it's not in harmony with the truth of your natural power which is far greater


  How to powerfully build your polarity with all beautiful and powerful women so that when you approach or meet them, they take you as a LOVE interest and balanced man instead of just a dismissal or friend


  All the signs of true sexual behavior and where to find them, what to look for and when to know a woman is interested in you physically

How to always meet new women with lessening anxiety each time until it's gone (more like 50 approaches instead of 5000) and how to set up a lot of dates with women who are now FAR more interested in you because you understand and apply Step 1

Once you 'get' Step 1 alone and WHEN you get it, it will hit you like a ton of bricks..your jaw will drop and up to 80% of ALL of your anxiety with women can disappear and you'll be instantly more confident.  (*It MAY be more of a gradual awakening for you the more you go through it so no promises on this one)

How to cold approach women and why you never have to memorize any pick-up lines...what to do instead


You will clearly SEE the root of ALL of your anxiety and how to remove it..this 'weight off of your shoulders' will become present in your physiological energy and then we are going to condition a stronger reality (Step 2) so that you get rid of all remaining 'remnants' of your disempowered, unworthy nervous energy and into the world of power, confidence and worthiness that stands out to women so much it can get them in a cold sweat around you


How to number close new good-looking and hot girls you talk to and the foolproof way to prevent rejection


An exercise you can do right before you go out to meet new women that can show you 10X the real world attraction of women (there are several men now doing this heightened version of Step 2)


Away to always bypass the risk of rejection whenever you approach


How to have women who used to ignore you all of a sudden bei nterested in you and when spending time with you being open to being with you more..and as a lover as well as how to manifest the relationship to the next level


The complete, basic escalation path with women and seduction - all you have to know as you become more natural to give women amazing pleasure


A safe 'backup' plan that almost any girl will say Yes to after you connect in case you forgot ANYTHING to say


When to go for a number close and how long your conversation should be in daytime situations


Get rid of all of your social anxiety and even anxiety around other men...Abolish all feelings of unworthiness to become powerful, confident and respected by empowering Steps 1 & 2 with Relational Mastery monthly


How to get the rock-solid confidence and reality of a natural, confident man through applying Steps 1-3


"What (Step #2 alone) has done for me"


"I want to tell you what success I have had, and say thank you for enlightening me to it.

In the last 10 days I have been with 5 girls intimately, one every night when I went out. A Mexican girl, an Italian, a Dutch girl, a Swede and a Californian, and of course, because of my awakened knowledge now, there could have been more, I get looks everywhere I go.

It was a friend of mine here in Barcelona who recommended i read your work, and he said to me, "Tim, in a few months you´re going to be like a magnet", and that is now what is happening.

I mean, before I would score girls, but some would be hot, most not, and it would be sporadic. All the girls I listed above are hot, two absolutely smoking hot, its every night I go out and its thanks to grounding. Even the mothers of the kids I teach flirt with me now, its ridiculous. It is a strong power to have, I´m still trying to get used to it. And this weekend I´m going out with a German girl, seeing the Swede again tomorrow also. Thank you very much Mr Williams, you are a pioneer."

-T.W., U.K.


How to pass any hot woman's TESTS before you even approach - almost all PUA's continually fail this by DHV'ing her and have to work much much harder to get anywhere but you won't have to when you put Steps 2 & 3 to use


How you've been a pawn in a game, exactly what the game is and how to be the King of your own reality


Exactly WHAT specific resources to use and how to use them to build your real world confidence and masculine will never find these otherwise and without these you will be OFF track and still keeping women more of a fantasy than reality


Get compliments from your co-workers on how you're changing and your'e doing it without any of those PUA tricks or manipulative tactics


Become 'man enough' to finally DESERVE the attention, attraction and RESPECT of the women you truly desire INSTEAD of keeping that higher quality only as fantasy


Rest in peace at night with 0 anxiety or issues with're just always more relaxed, powerful and confident so literally all you have to do is MEET new women - no GAME was EVER required..just apply the 3 Power Steps because it is also the path to NATURAL confidence and an empowered you


Naturally have previously icy women FLIRTING around you just by showing up, making it easier to approach and get a physical relationship going


How to date women without spending a lot of money


Step 2 will do MIRACLES in your life and there is no limit to the level of sexual polarity, chemistry, connection and attraction you can get out of it around real world women no matter how hot or how high their social is also the secret to infinite personal creativity and musicianship (believe it or not)


Have the power tools within this program itself to keep continuing the path to ZERO anxiety and perfect confidence without spending any more money (unless you choose to stay with the empowering Relational Mastery monthly) -


These 3 Steps alone will cure your anxiety so you can even DROP all other dating advice almost all of which is conflicting with the pure physical and loving, natural path you can now take faster than ever before with new women!


You will be worthy of the most beautiful women in the world and you will beileve it as long as you apply these steps.  No messed up inner game or 'lies' you're trying to egotistically believe.  You can become the man you were supposed to be as well as cure your anxiety. 


As you can see this is a jam-packed program that is not only MASSIVELY PROFOUND but with the actual clear action Steps for you to take to PERMANENTLY and swiftly (if you choose) cure all of your anxiety with women, attraction, dating and sex.  As well as how to attract real, physical relationships. 


This is the distillation of years of evolution that DavidDeAngelo found so profound and powerful when interviewing me.  This is proof from all of my clients, best friends and top dating experts (Badboy, Paul Janka, Cortez, Scot McKay, Carlos Xuma, Brad Jackson, Brent, Mitch, Christian Hudson, etc.) have seen 0 anxiety from me live approaching or meeting attractive women and most importantly it's how you can get there as well.


There are men who have already cured their anxiety from Step 2 alone if you look on our forum with 100's of testimonials but for the first time ALL 3 STEPS NECESSARY are put together for the first time in the format that you can use DAILY to cure your anxiety without pain. 


This will create a new era of men WIPING their approach anxiety faster than ever before.  Are you going to be one of them?


I could try and sell this program for $997 because it works and to have a real cure is priceless to many men.  It is also the same 3 steps you can use to become a sexual force of real world power and influence on women just from your body language without games, coercion or manipulating women into feeling attraction for you.


In this program you have 'the map' and it's taken me years to even find it and then clarify it which has just happened within the last week (of making this program and narrowing it down).


And that's just in Step 1 PLUS there are visual exercises and examples so you will see EXACTLY the core cause of your anxiety and how to finally and UNEQUIVOCALLY fix it.


Remember, it's not you.  It's not your inner game.  It's your map.  And most of your training is going to SHOW you with clarity and supplement your new profound understanding.


The rest is easy.


Step 2 does the MAGIC of curing your anxiety and becoming confident, centered and natural while Step 3 is the simple application that brings the necessary 'experience' portion into the picture as well as the new women you'll be dating and physical with.


Follow your 3 Step Formula and your anxiety will be cured.


You will be SHOWN the map in this program...not just the SIGNS (naturals) or guesses at the signs (often dating guru's) but GIVEN the map ITSELF, directions and instructions on how to use it AND how to approach and meet women in a way that is easy, fun and most importantly eliminates all of your anxiety about 40X faster than any other way.


For the first time and more clearly than EVER you will 'see' the clear action path and steps to take to easily overcome your anxiety while also stepping into a world of PHYSICAL, REAL attraction with women.


The 3 Steps themselves and a lot of supplemental training are revealed in the 4 hour video program including how to meet women as the final step to get rid of your anxiety in the real world.


So here's the deal,


I know it's not the best of financial times but I really want you to experience this program which is worth infinitely more than any respectable cost you could pay for it.  I know that when I hear your life-changing feedback that other men who have REALLY been strugging with approach anxiety can read it and get the cure for themselves as well.


This isn't just 'good advice' this is THE actual cure to your anxiety with beautiful women.


Once you cure your anxiety, the 3 steps are also the same foundation to achieve INSANE natural success with attractive women and becoming a powerful, confident man.


It's the solution to your lifetime compounded frustrations and anxiety with women. 


If you have any doubt about whether you can approach a woman like this confidently in REALITY no matter the outcome, then you'll seriously consider investing in this program because you don't have the level of confidence that reaches through to all women. 




From one angle you could say your 'manhood' is at stake if you can't approach good-looking women or be able to connect or get physical with them.  ARE YOU WORTHY?


Don't worry, THIS PROGRAM will help you to BE worthy and confident in real, physical life when you apply the 3 steps (that also attracts and escalates real, PHYSICAL relationships) you will stand far above most other men who are on the other map. 


That may be where you're at now but in the program we're going to get you through it with the action steps that work and completely reframe your entire behavior and map of reality with women.  You will be able to have PHYSICAL attraction instead of FANTASY attraction.  Sound good?


This is just how you can get there, back in line with your TRUE nature and raw power to connect with women on the real physical level that just works.


From my perspective I really see no other cure let alone one that works as fast as this, purely or as solidly.


It cures not only your approach anxiety (when you use it) but your inner game issues as well.  It's the solution to becoming more confident with the actual STEPS to take. 



(sorry, the pic IS on the server but it may not be loading..still trying to fix that)



So what's the cost?  

The 'Cure My Approach Anxiety' program is $197 but now it's available online instead of the DVDs so it's $127.


When you order now you'll ALSO GET



Maps of Sexuality

82 pg. color eBook ($97-$1997 value)

This bonus helps you to pinpoint the actual causes of your OWN anxiety by going into detail on the 16 primary Belief Systems of Sexuality and the effects they have with meeting women.


3 Step Action Plan PDF

Simple reference guide and summary of the 3 miracle working steps so you know what to do and can keep referring to it daily to keep you on track with your cure.


Sex Maps

47 pg. color eBook ($97-$1997 value)

This bonus is the intro version to Maps of Sexuality but includes more updated visuals and it's yours as well.


Digital Discount for CureAA:

Instant & Unlimited Access Online For $127

Just a 1-Time $87 

>>Get CureAA Here<<

(Not sent by discs anymore)



Try this program for 90 days with

my rock-solid guarantee. 

GUARANTEE:  If you think this information does not enlighten you or your dating lifestyle DRAMATICALLY or you aren't seeing the RESULTS


then I will refund you your purchase price 100%

Option 1: 100% 90 Day Money Back Guarantee as usual on my regular products


Option 2: $47 refundable only after you receive the RELM disc and if choose not to stay with RELM and return the disc.  This prevents abusers of the system getting this invaluable program online for free.  You really have to give RELM a shot but can cancel the monthly at anytime to not be charged again or send the latest month disc back to get a refund on that month.


That is how confident I know this program will add profound value and change to your lifestyle and success with women. 



Your receipt and shipping information will

maintain your privacy discreetly with

'Dreamcore Productions, Ltd.' on the plain packaging


You can ALWAYS spend your money on personal outlets to ALLEVIATE your anxiety and escape from it that end up in a short term fix but leave the women you want as a fantasy. 


What we're talking about is not 'forcing you' to go out and meet women (heck no, I wasn't that PUA type of guy to deal with anxiety head on like that because it didn't feel right).


 We're talking about the REAL core cure to your issues and a practical action plan to implement it in addition to all the supplemental, transformational, revolutionary material that supports it in the program. 


This is how I cured my anxiety just with 1 of the steps (Step 2).  Now you have all 3 steps to make it happen fast.  If you're ready to handle these fears, just choose 1 of the order options above!


Once you have an active plan to cure your anxiety, MEETING WOMEN even cold approaching them is not a problem at all.


-Rion Williams



And either way, I encourage you to use that advice above of STOP doing what is creating more anxiety!

"Yes Rion, Get Me The Cure"


Includes both Macintosh and Windows software


Copyright Dreamcore Productions, Ltd. 2010-12